Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)
SACs are designations for protecting any habitat or species listed in the Habitats Directive (NatureScot, 2024), a list of thousands of species and hundreds of habitat types that are important to maintain (European Commission, n.d.). The Habitats Directive does not include bird species, as they have a separate protected designation – SPAs (Scottish Government, n.d.). The Habitats Directive list relevant to Scotland can be viewed here: https://www.nature.scot/doc/habitats-and-species-habitats-directive-which-occur-scotland-and-which-special-areas-conservation
SACs (and SPAs) are part of the European ‘Natura 2000’ network of protected areas (Scottish Government, n.d.). In the UK, these sites are protected by the ‘Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994’ (JNCC, 2024). In Scotland there are 243 SACs, onshore and offshore, with some even crossing the border to England (Nature Scot, 2024). An example in the East Grampian region is the Sands of Forvie SAC (NatureScot, 2005).
Fig. 1: Special Areas of Conservation in North East Scotland NMPi
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